We founded our company performing to raise money and awareness for worthwhile causes. We provide stand-up and improv comedy, game shows, magic, fun characters and murder mystery dinners as entertainment options for fundraising events, banquets and galas in The DMV.
We have converted our traditional formats to be used as ways to enhance your worthwhile cause. We can help raise money and awareness!
Our origins! We began by providing quality improv comedy shows to raise money for charities! Considering where we are now, these were amazingly successful!
The traditional format for comedians to come and entertain your group to raise money for your organization. We have access to comedians of all types and genres.
We can engage your audience in a competition that will entertain as well as educate them to your cause. It's a great way to raise awareness.
We can help make your financial problems disappear! Let our magicians draw people in and use their mystical ways to raise your organization money.
We can bring fun characters to entertain around a larger gala or to help initiate conversations about your cause. This can be done positive and negative.
PUTTING THE FUN IN FUNDRAISING In the beginning, we worked with charities to help them in their efforts to raise money. Since then, we have taken on national projects and are looking to advance and create some unique opportunities for national causes. Remember, we are one of the only organizations capable of performing multiple shows in multiple cities all at the same time. This brings up some truly interesting possibilities for Washington, DC charity shows.
OUR GREEN COMMITMENT While ultimately we serve our clients in the way that they require, we work hard to reduce the carbon footprint of any event. We recycle, utilize local talent when preferable, and look to leave places better than we found them. When we do travel, we take pains to reduce our impact on the environment.
The first step is to determine your needs. This includes potential goals, desires and concerns. The more we know about what has already been decided can allow us to narrow the conversation to approaches that interest you.
We need to know the city where the event will be as well as what kind of venue might be used. A date, or date range, for when you would like to have this and what time frame you are looking for will help to determine our commitment and availability. Knowing the size of your group, though that will likely just be an estimate, will allow us to choose appropriate options and have a better feel for the resources required.
If you know budget limitations, that can allow us to restrict the conversations to those options that will be within your financial constraints. This works in both directions. We don't want to overbuild and propose options that can't be done. Also, we don't want to provide less than we could realizing the resources that could be made available to better achieve your goals.
Thank you for everything...the evening was a complete success.
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