For everything that we do, we remain committed to reducing our carbon friendly to make our private parties and corporate events more environmentally friendly. Protecting the environment is important, and while there are always the use of resources, we try to do the small things to help reduce our impact. This page talks about those issues and provides suggestions on how you can help to make your own event more environmentally friendly.



One of the main causes of a waste of resources is transportation. This includes both people and equipment. Choosing your location that is most convenient from both of these sides saves fuel as well as wear and tear. Further, having the gathering within a small area, such as a conference facility, allows people to walk to all functions reducing the need for buses, rental cars and cabs.



First, ways to reduce the environmental impact while driving:

1) Drive slower. The one constant no matter who you talk to is selecting to drive slower. This cuts down the wind resistance, thus the amount of power required to push the vehicle. Additionally, it reduces the need for sudden stops, providing a smoother and more efficient ride.

2) Drive smoother. Accelerating and decelerating uses power. Reducing the need to speed up and slow down reduces the energy consumption. Being more aware of your surroundings allows for you better to predict changes. This means you can begin decelerating earlier and possibly prevent requiring coming to a full stop by arriving at signals after it's already changed. And if you are on the highway, using cruise control helps as well.

3) Traffic reports. Finding out about traffic snarls ahead of time and choosing alternatives allows you to drive unfettered and more efficiently.

4) Make your car more efficient. This means do what you can to make your car a better choice. This includes potentially driving an electric vehicle (though you should consider how your area electricity is produced) or hybrid. Reduce air conditioning usage through opening your windows when driving slowly (under 35), but close the windows at higher speeds (over 45) to reduce drag on your vehicle. Additionally, maintain the aerodynamics of your vehicle by keeping the trunk closed and do not tie items to the vehicle or the roof at higher speeds. Also reduce unneeded weight, as this adds to the mass of the vehicle and thus it requires more energy to push and start. Also make sure that your tires are properly inflated as this wastes fuel unnecessarily.

5) Reduce idling. Even for warming up your car you can actually be driving. This means that you should get started quickly and try to avoid sitting around with the car on. Further, revving the car up is simply wasting gas.

Second, it's important to know when driving is, or is not the option. For that, you should review the distance you are going to travel, etc., versus other options that you may have. Please review our Air and Train travel sections for those costs and compare what driving yourself will entail. Further, consider what mode of transportation you might use at your destination and how that would compare with having your own vehicle.



First, there is the issue of local bus travel versus renting cars and other options. The second issue is one of longer city to city transportation.

1) Is riding a bus more efficient? Mass transit of any sort is more efficient that other modes of transportation. And having a bus that is full is likewise more efficient than a bus that is empty. Though the vehicle is using more resources than an empty bus, it divides the resources spent over better productivity through carrying additional passengers. Likewise, if you are traveling, most likely the bus is taking the trip anyway. So if you consider the resources already spent, it is like riding without costing any additional resources.

2) Should I wait for a Hybrid bus? Actually the technology regarding Hybrid vehicles is still developing for the mass transit market. They are getting more and more efficient but are not necessarily reducing emissions or decreasing resources costs. That being said, supporting the industry does help justify the creation of newer technologies that may be more beneficial for the future.

3) What about a natural gas powered bus? These are not that much more efficient than other forms of fuel, but they do come from more domestic sources. Likewise, it reduces the need for oil production which can reduce the strain on that industry. Additionally, emissions are reduced through the use of natural gas.

4) How can I make a tour bus more efficient? Often tour bus companies will leave their vehicles idling for hours so that it is air conditioned when the passengers arrive. If you do a little more due diligence and specifically request that the vehicles not be maintained in this way, most companies will comply and reduce the resource drains immensely. Likewise, planning your trip around traffic patterns, avoiding traffic, etc. will assist in reducing the resource cost greatly. Lastly, choosing a bus that fits the size of your group rather than utilizing a vehicle much to large for your group would be more efficient.

Most people think of Greyhound and Trailways for their bus travel, of course. There are several eco-friendly bus companies that exist in various regions as well. They can be used for your eco-friendly travel or for ways to enhance your green travel when arriving in an area. You should do just a small amount of research to see if such buses are available.

If you have a larger event, you should contact local companies to find charters. Remember, the more local the bus, the less it had to travel to get to you. It's not just how far you travel, but how far it travels.

ship boat

Boat or Ship

There are many things to take into account when considering transportation by boat or ship.

These can be for private parties, corporate events, or for simple fun on the high seas. So what are some things to consider when making a decision to travel by boat?

1) Is sailing possible? Using wind power instead of fuel can make a big difference. After all, the easiest way to reduce carbon emissions is to take carbon out of the equation. Having your mode of travel to be exclusively from wind is the greatest way to reduce the carbon cost to zero. Add solar power to the mix to run the on-board conveniences and you can have a very green trip.

2) How efficient is your ship? Some of the more modern ships are much more green. Ask ahead of time and make sure that you are on-board a more modern and green vessel. Beyond just the savings that you yourself will achieve, you'll also send a signal to the powers that be that going greener is economically as well as ecologically more sound.

3) Is your ship full? This should go without saying, but if you are on a full ship it tends to be more efficient in terms of passenger miles than a half-empty vessel. Of course that may mean that you may have to wait in line for drinks a bit more or share the pool.

4) Is this trip really necessary? The best way to save fuel is to not go.

5) Is your trip efficient? Reduce your carbon footprint to and from the ship as well as making sure that there is no wasted time at sea using stabilizers or unneeded distance that doesn't match the destinations. Further, destination based travel can be more beneficial. Meaning that if you have to go to Europe, for instance, then the trip isn't just going back and forth but is taking you to a specific location.

Otherwise, consider the vessel a large hotel at sea. Ask the same questions that you'd ask about any hotel and that will help to make certain that your vessel is truly a green ship.

You may also want to ask about how they clean the ship. This is useful for preventing disease, but also might use chemicals that could endanger sea life.

There is one other option in this regard. Many freight lines offer limited cabin space available for travelers. Often these cabins run empty. Someone riding along in a vessel that is going anyway is actually a very low carbon footprint. After all, the carbon would be spent regardless. Carbon is saved by not being spent on an alternative mode of travel chosen.



When traveling by train, there are many things to consider and ways to reduce the environmental impact. Having a better understanding of the impact is vital to making an intelligent decision.

1) How is your train powered? Historically trains have gone through three phases in terms of locomotion. First were the steam engine trains. These were powered by coal or other means. Though this has generally ended, there are still a few operating across the country. These are inefficient and burn coal, a carbon based fuel that is famous for its noxious output. Most of the steam engines operating currently are relegated to historic tourism, where people experience the ways of the past. While these are nice, they are not very green. Second came the diesel generation. These were more efficient and cleaner burning than steam locomotives, but still burn a lot of fuel. Taken altogether, especially for cargo delivery, a very efficient means of transport. Lastly are the electric trains. These are still coming online and are very popular in Japan and parts of Europe. Using various forms of electric powered locomotion, the trains travel efficiently and without damaging exhaust. Additionally, some of these trains include Maglev technology, reducing friction and allowing hovering vehicles to be transported with relatively small amounts of energy at very high speeds (like the bullet train). You should consider, however, how this energy is produced.

2) What is the environmental impact of the right-of-way? Some trains travel through areas of wilderness and damage the surroundings as they go. This means that you should take that extra step to determine if this would be the case.

3) How will you get to and from the rail line? While the method of mass transit is very effective, if you have to waste a lot of energy getting to and from the stations, it might not be as efficient as you think. Consider modes of transportation to and from the station when making your calculations.

4) How many stops does the train make? An incredible amount of energy is used to bring a train up to speed and to stop it. An express train tends to make less stops and be MUCH more efficient as long as your destination is on the express schedule. Not to mention you get there quicker as well.

5) Is the rail-line community friendly? Some trains cut directly through towns and cause traffic snarls. Likewise, some have stops in the middle of a town and block roads for minutes at a time. While you may be saving fuel, there may be a huge cost to the communities you are traveling through that eat away at the benefit of the mass transit. Asking questions of the rail lines may help them make more green choices in placement of stations.

The rail is a great way to enjoy the beauty that America has to enjoy in an efficient manner. Especially out West where so many of natures bounties are spread out so far and wide.

jet plane


When traveling by air, there are many things to consider and ways to reduce the environmental impact. Having a better understanding of the impact is vital to making an intelligent decision. From choosing the airline, to the aircraft to the specific route, the decisions made all impact the environment.

1) Are you flying non-stop? One of the largest costs of flying in terms of CO2 emissions and jet fuel consumption is taking off and landing. If your flight is non-stop, you are greatly working to reduce this cost.

2) How old is your plane? Often you can find out the type of plane that you will be flying. With the increased costs of fuel over the years, newer planes are designed to be much more efficient. Planes such as the Boeing 777 are much more efficient than older aircraft such as the MD80 or 747.

3) Is your plane full? This should go without saying, but if you are flying on a full flight it tends to be more efficient in terms of passenger miles than a half-empty aircraft. Of course that may mean that you can't stretch as much.

4) Is your airline dedicated to be green? Beyond the aircraft itself, many airlines have been working to reduce their carbon footprint. This includes recycling programs, ground maintenance equipment, reducing idling times and air conditioning, making air routes more efficient and many other methods.

5) Is this trip really necessary? The best way to save fuel is to not go. Barring that, bring along the least that you need to get along. Packing a lot of luggage adds weight to the aircraft and increases the fuel required.

6) Why fly first class? First class seats take up more space and reduce the total number of passengers carried. If everyone flew economy class, there would be less flights needed.

7) Is your flight efficient? Avoiding situations where there might be a delay will save fuel on the ground. So having a flight that stops along the way at a place that might have delays, that's a problem. Also, stopping at a place that has bad weather (Chicago in winter, for example) requires deicing and other techniques that aren't environmentally friendly. And if you are flying from a warm climate to a warm climate and having to go through Chicago (just an example), you are de-icing unnecessarily and are also flying hundreds of miles out of your way, wasting even more fuel.

8) Can I be more green upon arrival to reduce my carbon footprint? For example, do you really need a car at your destination or can you utilize a shared ride service or mass transportation. There are ways that you can greatly reduce your carbon footprint after arrival to reduce the overall impact of the trip.


Another major source for waste is in the materials produced for events. You can reduce marketing materials, registration documents, presentation printouts and collateral papers by going paperless. Most of the things that would be handed out would be more effective, and less environmentally unfriendly, being distributed electronically. Beyond the actual materials are also the added costs of the common plastic bags handed out for people to carry the material, the printing and delivery of the items as well as the wasted fuel carrying the items back. And lastly, it prevents filling the landfills because, as we all know, most of these materials get tossed. If you must have printed materials, they should use recyclable material.


Utilizing local providers of food and refreshments, as well as printing and other equipment, can reduce a carbon footprint. By using food options from local sources, less fuel is needed for transport. It has the extra advantage of being fresher and supporting local businesses. And of course choosing food options that are more environmentally friendly are beneficial.

We consult with you to discuss your event and bring the best options based on our conversations that are custom-tailored to your group. Let us help you to improve your event and make it more environmentally considered.


WE CARE FOR YOU! While concerns for Covid have been reduced, we do have methods and techniques to operate with a variety of social distancing, PPE safety equipment, and remote performances. We consult with you should you have concerns for our performances to protect you and your guests.

We provide entertainment for private parties and corporate events throughout the United States, and even beyond! Wherever you might be along the Atlantic Coast, the MidWest, the South, the West Coast, or anywhere else, we stand ready to help your group to have fun. This includes in the big cities, the suburbs, or further outside the urban areas. We do not provide the food or the venue. We come to you and help you have a great time!

food venue

We work with groups that are small, medium and large. We also work with people that are in the city, the suburbs, and that are in more rural areas. It never made sense to get our own facilities. We come to a venue of your choosing and this allows you to make your own food and beverage options. In general, you want enough light to see, enough space to move around comfortably, and it should be quiet enough to hear. Everything else can be adjusted to. We also have our insurance in order and can have COIs with your venue as an additional insured, if required.





The first step is to determine your needs. This includes potential goals, desires and concerns. The more we know about what has already been decided can allow us to narrow the conversation to approaches that interest you.



We need to know the city where the event will be as well as what kind of venue might be used. A date, or date range, for when you would like to have this and what time frame you are looking for will help to determine our commitment and availability. Knowing the size of your group, though that will likely just be an estimate, will allow us to choose appropriate options and have a better feel for the resources required.



If you know budget limitations, that can allow us to restrict the conversations to those options that will be within your financial constraints. This works in both directions. We don't want to overbuild and propose options that can't be done. Also, we don't want to provide less than we could realizing the resources that could be made available to better achieve your goals.


We want to hear from you. Call us at 866.219.4386 or email info@THEYimprov.com.


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